Thursday, March 11, 2010

what is the difference between Whom And who

يمكنك معرفة الفرق بينهما في الحالة التي يمكنك استبدال
- "Whom" with "him"
- and "who" with "HE

The man who is driving my car is my dad

(who ) في هذه الحالة
(subject) هو موضوع الجملة
(HE) ويجوز استعاضتة ب
he is driving)

another example

The Man Whom I helped is now very happy (I helped the man who is now very happy)
here Whom is a direct object, not subject, and you can replace it with Him (i helped him)

in riferimento a:

"In questo caso Who è il soggetto della frase e può essere sostituito con He. (he is driving)"
- La differenza tra Who e Whom in inglese | Inglese On line - Corso d'Inglese, Lezioni, Traduzioni, Articoli per imparare l'inglese gratis (visualizza su Google Sidewiki)

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